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Writer's pictureSisters Three

Writing Together

Updated: Jul 17, 2021

People always ask us what it's like to write together. Usually, we give them a short, "Oh, it's great." Or, "It's what we've always done, never really thought about it." Or the classic one-word answer. "Fine."

That was the truth till about a year ago when we started working on induvial projects as well as group projects. Writing together can be so much fun! You get so many out-of-the-box ideas, Jaidie might think of something Kayti and Rissy had never considered, or vice-versa. When we are creating a kingdom or storyline everyone adds a little and you end up with something so amazing.

But have you ever heard the saying, "Too many cooks in the kitchen."

Well, that happens sometimes too. Sometimes because there are three of us one of us will get carried away with an idea. Or we will disagree on a character design, a plot point, or even something insignificant like whether a side character should have a scar on his cheek. When that happens we usually try to move to a different topic, like our favorite book series or the plans our dad mentioned for the weekend. After a little while, we will return to the topic and try to approach it as a group. Usually, we see that it was a foolish thing to argue over, or we will make a compromise.

Don't get us wrong 90% of the time we love writing together, it's that other 10% we have to watch out for. That little minority of the time where we are prone to squabble.

God has lovingly given us each other, we are each other's best friends. We love writing together, working together, dreaming together. We love each other, but even the best of friends and siblings have their moments.

If you are thinking about writing a book with someone, we say go for it! But remember, the book is not the most important part (though it is important), the most important part is the creative time you will get to spend with your friend or family member. The time that you will take to weave an impossible world together! Or maybe the time you will take to write your story, or their story, or y'alls story! You will build memories that no one can ever take away, memories that will echo to you from the pages of the book you wrote together.

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