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Naturally Curious

Home: Welcome

All Made in the Image of God

There seems to be a problem, it’s a big problem and it’s a little rude and you might go so far as to say sometimes even cruel. Okay,...

God Has This

What is your biggest fear? Tough question, right? But I think we can all say that one of our biggest fears is the end. The day when there...

Look Again (A Poem)

This is a poem God gave me during a particularly trying time in my teenage years. A time when I thought God had abandoned me and left me...

Writing Together

People always ask us what it's like to write together. Usually, we give them a short, "Oh, it's great." Or, "It's what we've always done,...

Stories are Powerful

As an avid reader, I know this to be true. A chapter in a book can determine the way I think for hours, if not days. Stories can arouse...

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