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God Has This

Writer's picture: KaytiKayti

What is your biggest fear? Tough question, right? But I think we can all say that one of our biggest fears is the end. The day when there is nothing left, the day when we are called Home. The day when the roll is called up yonder as the old hymn says. Yes, it is an exciting thought as well, and I’m told the older you get, the more exciting it is. But right now, I’m eighteen, and it's pretty scary. Right now, it seems as if the end isn’t far away, at least that’s what many people think. Even my family, strong Christians that we are, have fallen into this line of thought. How can one not? It is blaring at us from every television, every radio, every news channel, and the list could keep on going; the point is that it’s everywhere! I can barely take it all in, and I don’t even read or watch half that stuff, and my family barely does. It just takes a little bit of the news to make you question everything. But there is one thing my mom told me that has helped me tremendously. When you are questioning that if this is the end, then why are you here, remember God says He has made you for such a time and place as this.

“I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you a hope and a good future.”

Jeremiah 29:11 (NCV)

Do you know that verse is said in the middle of the book of Jeremiah? Where the prophet Jeremiah is literally telling them that it’s all over. He is telling them that God is going to destroy them all, and that verse is in the middle. There is nothing that could ever happen here on earth that God has not let happen. Yes, we will question, at times, why He lets certain things happen, but we know He has a purpose behind it because He tells us so in His Word. What we are going through right now, this is just a plot twist. As an avid reader and writer, I can tell you that even the most wonderful stories are never complete without a plot twist. Sometimes the twists are so sudden and curved we can’t imagine anything good coming from them. That’s what this is right now. How could anything good come out of this, how will it end, and who knows how it will pan out in the end?

We do!

Because God’s word is the beginning and end of all things, and as my mom told me, you can read the end, we win! Go ahead, it’s alright the Bible is the one book where it is alright to skip to the end. I will even go so far as to encourage you to skip to the end and read it. In the end of the end, we WIN! Because no one can beat God, no one, not even Satan. Because God loved us so much, he sent his only Son to die for us! And He is coming back for us. One day He is coming back. It may be in the next five minutes, it may be tomorrow, or it may be a hundred years from now; no one but God knows. But stand assured that He is writing this story, and all will pan out according to His will and in His time, not ours.

It is easy to get blinded by the doubts and lies flying at us from every direction. It is easy to just believe what the media tells us and swallow it without asking any questions. But this is not what we should do. We should stand up and shine into the darkness of this day. We should not cower in fear, for what do we have to fear but the Lord Jesus Christ. For he is our Rock and our Protector. Don’t swallow the lies daily thrown at you don’t stand on the words of mere men stand, instead, on the Holy and Firm word of our God. For everything was created for Him and by Him, and nothing can ever come to pass that He has not let happen.

So today, as you go about your day, remember you have a purpose. That you have a light in you that you need to share to inspire others. But most of all, remember that God has this! That in the end, we win! And that you are here for a reason, a reason you may never see, but a reason nonetheless. As Martin Luther wisely said.

“If the world was going to end tomorrow, I would still plant my apple trees today.”

Don’t live in fear; there is no need. Live your life! Love your families and spend time with them. Do the things you want to do. Go to church. Don’t hide, don’t let fear control you. This is all in the hands of our loving Father, who will make a way where there seems to be no way! He has held you every step of the way so far; let him keep carrying you. Let him guide. These times are dark, but the light of God is so much brighter. Focus on today; don’t worry about tomorrow.

Here is a beautiful quote from On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson.

“It does no good to worry over what’s already happened. What matters is now. The past and the future are both beyond our reach.”

So true, but they are not beyond God’s reach. He still takes care of us. He always has. Whatever God has planned for these next few chapters; trust that they are for the best. Whatever happens next know that God has this. He has always had this, and He always will!

Sending blessing and love, your friend Kayti


Jun 30, 2021

That's so encouraging! Thank you for posting this!!!

Sisters Three
Sisters Three
Jul 02, 2021
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